He is a true definition of solitude, he is someone who shies away from public, though relates with people just for fun sake, only when spoken to will he talk, however he has his own genuine looks, he's quite charming and intelligent, will laugh at abstract joke, he's also funny, truly precious is a gem, he's comprehensible and also the best at what he knows best.
Girl1: Omg, look at precious, I want him so badly
Girl2: I would pay a million dollars just to touch his hair
by Boprah January 12, 2022
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A precious is someone who is a total bitch who is enjoys taking out her pain and reflecting it on others, if you ever meet a precious you will definitely wish you hadn’t. She bullies people due to her own insecurities and her self esteem. she’s all around a nasty girl and I dint recvomend meeting one.
Oh wow that girl is so horrible! She’s a total precious
by anonymouslover06 July 21, 2020
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A term often thought of as endearing, although is used in the context of “wow that is one ugly baby” or “you’re so adorably stupid”.
“That’s your baby? Wow he’s so precious!”

“Well aren’t you precious..”
by Iwishmymomwasdead August 30, 2022
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a handsome , caring , smart boy precious is loving and is strong he gets through everything
He is so precious
by November 24, 2021
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Talks trash, sometimes kind if wanted, smart, unfunny...
Precious Chill
by jfjdfjjjsjejeje June 8, 2022
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