Weed that has a lot of Stems in it. Low grade weed. Another term used instead of "Reggie Bush." Stemmy Martin refers to Hip-Hop artist Remy Martin.
"You got any loud? I don't want any of that Stemmy Martin shit!"
by SwishasNKush December 23, 2011
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When a member of a workplace feels so threatened by other members of staff that they have to fabricate both an entire back story of the 'exciting' life they abandoned to come and work here.

A Martin Stoner will usually see there way to the top by using their supreme lying skills to cajole insecure people into their clique, and try to 'push' other members out.
Worker 1: Did you hear that Worker 3 tried to get Lily fired?

Worker 2: Oh no, that's terrible!

Worker 1: Yeah I know

Worker 3: What are you talking about?

Worker 1: Did you try to get Lily fired?

Worker 3: No, what made you say that?

Worker 1: Well worker 4 told us - he used to work for Medicine Sans Frontier in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro so we believed him.

Worker 3: It's not true - it's a Martin Stoner.

Worker 1: Oh right, I'll watch what worker 4 tells me from now on.
by EndoGhost November 23, 2009
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He’s just that kid who’s so fucking good at hockey.
Oh Martin Salomon....
Yah that kids could fucking destroy kill you with his hockey stick if he really wanted too
by YouKnowWhoTheFuckThisIs*** September 10, 2020
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I would only be stating the obvious to describe the legendary comedian, but I just want to come on here & say that BrainStern is a fucking dipshit.

Steve Martin is was great in his heyday & BrainStern should stick to Judd Apatow films.
by Soul_Driver November 5, 2011
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A great comedian. Dropped out of law school after realising it sucked. Became a comedian. He is a personality on ShoNEXT. A branch of the showtime movie channel. Has stated in his act that he gets his jokes from a forest in his mind where hobbits, dragons, and his Mother and Grandmother live. Thinks he is less compassionate then a desert because his cactus died. And has proven that Leather Sleeves = Coolness.
"This creature is made of the head of a horse, And the body of a man who seeks alot of attention. This symbolizes me in college."
by iwannabeanalcoholic January 28, 2005
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The lowest form of human, the stinkiest thing ever, never washes
"hey do you know Aarron Martin?" "yea he's and ivf baby and reeks of piss!"
by Sharron Martin November 30, 2021
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The term "Billy Martin" was used by Daniel Ocean in the movie Ocean's 13. It refers to baseball player Billy Martin, fired then rehired by Steinbrenner a couple times.

It means giving a second chance.
"We're gonna give Banks a Billy Martin"
by Ilia O. June 16, 2007
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