Coming into an already controlled chaos situation and stirring up shit with your own ideas and making trouble where there isn't any.
Don't come over here and kick my ant pile.
by christynbitz May 14, 2011
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When you near orgasm and kick Granny Smith in the puss
Dude I was plowing his grandma then I apple kicked her right in the clit!
by Brutis May 23, 2017
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A Nick Kick is when you try to kick or shoot at goals in soccer, but miss or fail horribly. A good example of a nick kick is booting the crap out of the ball and it going over the goals completely.
''Oh look he is about to take the shot''
''Damn he missed - that was a Nick Kick right there''
by tiltedaspect October 4, 2020
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It means for someone to quickly leave. Like out of a relationship
Bruh me and Steph were dating a week but she was #quick to kick it
by ItsCOX November 20, 2014
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A western Canada classic this drink consists of house red wine on the rocks finished with a fine cream or milk.
Shannon got wasted off that kicking horse drink last week!
by willedit4food April 19, 2023
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Ass Kicking Ball Massage,A.K.B.M
Her head game was on point, but when she started rubbing my balls,I could only concentrate on the ass kicking ball massage
by Captain haha August 12, 2021
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