a word that is often used to describe someones weight. There is also a scale of pieishness... starting with the mother of all pies and then reaching the feeble wannabe pie who cant quite make it. 1)Stake and kidney pie 2)Beef pie 3)Chicken and mushroom pie 4)Apple pie 5)Cherry pie. There are many more in between but i will not go into detail.
1)Shup you big pie.
2)Oh my i just pied out so much, i will never walk again.
3)Meh your only a cherry pie get out of our club.
by VanNella March 26, 2005
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1.Wimpy, scared, punk.

The basic meaning of the word is for someone who is a scared, wimpy, or acts like a punk.
Lala:Man, JaJa wouldn't jump of that cliff, he is sooooo pie.

Yaya: I know man, he is supa pie...
by Gwenda June 11, 2005
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Pie nigga its just a word to describe gay,its homo its pie its just there
-Yo my mom took away my call of duty 4


-idk homie she's being piee latly
by Mr.bones June 26, 2008
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"Dude, I have some pie! Want to smoke it this weekend?"
by Maryismylover1234 September 15, 2009
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An expression that means the same as "it doesn't matter" or "it makes no difference." Symbolizing little change. You bake a pie, you eat a pie, you have no pie.
Dan, "Hey, didn't you just get gas yesterday?"

Jay, "What are you going to do? Bake a pie, eat a pie."
by Squirrely June 17, 2006
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Fawking hawt , secks, rapealicous

pregnant by two guys, slow, constant headaches, tired all the time, draws too much
dude pie is so hawt i wanna feel her up n liek do eet to her~Dan
by tehkoko May 30, 2005
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Comes in lots of flavors, and some dude like, screwed it in the movie. I hate pie. Plus, pie sucks and only (insert racial slur)eat them. Bush sucks too.
Outstandingly clear, isn't it?
by Christian April 14, 2005
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