Something to absolutely destroy ur opponent
Jimmy: U suc
Me: No u
*Jimmy has left da chat*
by *Intense dab* February 26, 2019
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The only perfect comeback that is uncommonly used against the devastating phenomenon called Ur Mom Gay. Can only be used for 2 times in a row or else it will no longer make sense and make you look like fucking retard.
One: Ur Mom Gay.

Two: No U

One: *Breaks all of his fuckin' bones and disintegrated away like Spiderman*
by Maestrong Betlog May 10, 2018
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The only combination of letters and numbers known to man that can beat "no u". Absolutely unexpected and so much more deadly than "no u".
Person 1: Ur mom gay lol
Person 2: No u
Person 1: No u²
Person 2: Dies in severe agony*
by Special EliteYT February 12, 2021
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Rich version of iconic meme “Sus”/“SUSSY Baka
by Α February 1, 2022
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A sassy face to show that you give 0 fucks

-but you secretly give many fucks.
Person: *insults me*
Me: u-u
by tired girl =) September 10, 2020
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"No u," or in proper English, "No, you." This is the ultimate end all to any argument. Commonly used to reflect a statement, usually an insult, back onto the one who used said insult. Affirming that the insult is more suitable to the one saying the insult, rather than the one receiving it.

-Often used as a response to the phrase kys
Guy1: "You embicile. There is absolutely no truth to what you have just said, at all. You must have been dropped on your head as a baby, as I see no way that an intelligent human could possibly believe that."
Guy2: "no u"
(argument concluded, as there is no way to come back from this)

Guy1: "kys"
Guy2: "no u"
by SullyJelly December 8, 2016
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