Generic saying used to describe numerous cheerleaders and slutty women.
Originated from Philip Shaw and Ali Evans
See a hoe walking down the sidewalk.

"Once a slag. Always a slag."
by Phisim89 April 3, 2012
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The fish in spongebob who always screams my leg in the background of episodes that dont include him.
Spongebob was a hall monitor and directed traffic. Everyone crashed...

guy who always screams my leg: MY LEG!
by Kayrowe November 14, 2009
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Words yet to be uttered by the true master, but currently are shared with enjoyment between memers.

The ‘oh’ part shows the enthusiasm that will go into this phase, and ‘always’ shows it happens often.
Person 1: ‘Oh, I always get yummy demerits!
Person 2: Haha, nice one! I wonder when our true master will give in and utter them...
Person 1: agreed.
by .Mega October 19, 2019
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Refers to the way we tend to look at other people’s lives and other things that we don't have in general through rose colored glasses.

Comes from the idea of looking at a neighbours lawn and seeing it as better looking, healthier and overall greener then your own when in reality you’re just ignoring anything negative about it and downplaying everything positive about your own.
Friend#1: You’re so lucky, you went to a great college, have money and you’re so smart and will probably accomplish more by the time you’re 30 then I will in my entire life.

Friend#2: Are you serious? I’ve always envied you. People expect so much out of me. I’ve never been able to have a life because of studying and other schoolwork. If I get less then an A, people freak out like I got an F. I may accomplish that much, but with all the pressure on me I’ll probably be insane by the time I’m 35. In so many ways, I wish I could just be a regular guy with normal expectations and a normal life.

Friend#1: Wow, I honestly never looked at it that way. I guess it's true that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
by Guest September 4, 2005
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Karen: "Now you can't complain about Pat's smoking since you do it yourself!"

Arthur: "I've always been a smoker".
by Karen Stickney February 3, 2007
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This is the ultimate saying that the legend samuel baxter came up with
it makes people think therefore they shut up say it to batty men
God didnt you know theres always two ends to one sausage
by mr boombastic March 12, 2008
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"The grass is always greener on the other side" is a statement used in the English language when one notices cows in a pasture stretching their necks through openings in the fence to get the green, uncut grass, on the other side.
Person #1: Why is the cow trying to stick his head through the fence?
Person #2: To get the grass.
Person #1: Why don't they just eat the grass in their pasture?
Person #2: Because, the grass is always greener on the other side.

Person 1: Is that cow trying to choke itself?
Person 2: No. It's trying to get grass. The grass is greener on the other side.
by Brjánn February 3, 2018
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