When You Build Legos Wrong And The Cops Get Called On You.
I Got Arrested Last Night For Doing Illegal Lego Building Techniques By Putting A 2/4 Lego plate in between The Studs of an 2/6 Lego plate.

Oh Fuck… I Didn’t Know That Was Illegal. I’m So Screwed.

L.C.P.D. Sir Your Under Arrest For Illegal Building Techniques. Get In The Car Now!!! You Have The Right To Remain Silent!!!
by L.C.P.D October 22, 2022
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noun: a clock-watching form of procrastination, in which the procrastinator schedules the "start time" of a dreaded task based on the next "half-hour" mark of the clock. For example, if the clock reads "1:35", a procrastinator employing the half-hour clock technique will start the task when the clock strikes "2:00", usually filling in this time gap with activities such as web surfing and masturbation. The technique is popular amongst perfectionists, numerologists, the obsessive compulsive and unemployed spectrum of procrastinators.
Hey, it's 4:47. Did you finish writing that cover letter?

Actually I did not. I was waiting till 5:00 to start. I'm using the half-hour clock technique.
by 77jim March 23, 2011
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Derived from the Five Point Exploding Heart Technique used at the end of Kill Bill 2. Used to refer to a bowel movement that sprays rather unpleasantly into the toilet, leaving an aweful mess to clean up. Frequently encountered the morning after a night of heavy drinking which was followed by a suspicious curry.
Argh, I had the most horrific Five Point Exploding Ass Technique this morning! Damn that curry!
by Oofnun September 1, 2010
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1. Drink an energy drink, preferably something strong like NOS
2. Look through your notes as fast as you can, regardless of if you can actually read it or understand it.
3. Bust a Nut (tm).
4. Take a nap.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 as necessary.

Also known as the 3-4-3
"Have you heard of the 1-2-3-4 Study Technique?"
"Yeah dude, in fact, I'm going to do a 3-4-3 right now before my chemistry test!"
by Erik Ward September 20, 2007
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When rolling an unconscious person from their back into the side recovery positions, raise their near-side knee up and cross that ankle over the opposite leg - this simple ankle cross will make the person roll over easily and could safe their life by preventing aspiration of vomit. This is called the Jessica Ankle Cross Technique named after the medical doctor who demonstrated it.
He's really big, if you don't use the Recovery Position - Jessica Ankle Cross technique you'll never be able to roll him into the Recovery Position after be became unconscious.
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The art of the dong. Known only to the most sophisticated of human beings. Of the highest order. Just reading this you question your existence for not knowing this art.
Man 1-Have you heard of The Dong Technique?
Man 2-What’s that?
Man 1-I see...
by TheManOfDong July 22, 2019
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The main power system of the manga/anime Jujutsu Kaisen
Cursed Technique's are abilities that are from a person's cursed energy.

Types: Innate technique, barrie technique, Shikigami, domain expansion, and more
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 September 27, 2023
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