The feeling a woman gets in anticipation of a heightened sexual experience.
CAM is coming over to see me and I already have a case of the fuck tingles just thinking about what he is going to do to me.
by CAM7447 October 18, 2017
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When a person is extremely intoxicated on every possible thing in their reach.
Daniel was 50 shades of fucked up at the party lastnight.
by aviloigtrwhi October 19, 2022
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nagga fuck is when a black person is still fucking your sister
you nagga fuck get off my sister
by Limpalong July 24, 2019
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relax take a deep breath. NO, SHUT THE FUCK UP BALLS MY FUCKEDN U80WREY
by UNCLE BOY NI84Y053265 April 21, 2021
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When someone, probably your dad uses the word "Fuck" every other word in a sentence. Not to get the point across but probably cause that say the word "Fuck" so much that they replaced the breath with the word "Fuck".
Fuck this fuckin' dog! Fuck, man! Fuckin' shit on my mothafuckin' god fuckin' damn fuckin rug! Fuckin' again man. What the fuck!

Woah he just used a Fuck Combo out of anger.
by Pokchop March 7, 2022
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1. Current state of political affairs within the union of U.S.A after creating and hiding the holocaust of the origionial inhabitants and these once called 'promised lands'. "American won ww2 after ending the tyranny of hitler and the jewish holocaust and was some sorta big hero!!"
2. Using finances to mind control the populous into thinking there isnt a better way to co-exist, or using judicial "protect an serve" propaganda to maintain people as mental 'sheep' within a federally regulated reality so they may never get out of the circular hell of intentions leached forward by all its confused an unhappy community members.
Can anyone see what a disgust-a-fuck president bush an v.p. chenney are politically after they're 8 year campaign through our nations union?
by ♤Loki♤ February 28, 2019
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