when the government doesn’t allow emergent things to generally happen in front of disabled people
The disabled delay kept them from suffering more illnesses which would cost the government more funds.
by Coop Dupe December 15, 2019
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A term for Money Laundering. Coined after the infamous house majority leader, Tom DeLay, after his conviction on money laundering charges.
John realized that most of the money he made was illegal, so he didn't mind some DeLayed gratification while he moved the money around in order to hide it's source.
by ohIkawtyou2 November 25, 2010
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A period of time by which a person of the LGBT community is consistently late in arriving to scheduled events.
I would have been on time to the LGBT club meeting, but I have awful gay delay.
by spatial_angel September 10, 2014
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When you’re trying to have sex with a girl, but you can’t because she’s crying.
Billy: “Hey, did you wait out the rain delay with Sally last night?”
Gio: “No, the bed was rained out. But maybe she’ll give me a doubleheader today!”
by Woke Motherfucker May 9, 2023
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When you’re trying to have sex with a girl, but you can’t because she’s crying.
Billy: “Hey, did you wait out the rain delay with Sally last night?”
Gio: “No, the bed was rained out. Hopefully she’ll give me a doubleheader today!”
by Woke Motherfucker May 9, 2023
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The beer delay occurs when you drink to much and your brain needs the extra second to understand shit
*Adam laughing about a joke 2 min after everybody else finished laughing*

Yo, Adam is hammered! He got a full-on beer delay
by Burgerbude March 22, 2018
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