Someone embarassing you and or well cramping your style.
*Dad dancing*


*Mom singing in the car, friend in a car next to you*
by CrEePeR aLeRt January 23, 2011
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Gastrointestinal cramps that signify the onset of a major shit
Josh ate three green apples and half an hour later he got the doo doo cramps so bad that he messed his overalls.
by e-boy October 6, 2007
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I cramp you get while on the toilet when you bend down so far or have the need to bit a chunk out of the carpet
I was on the toilet and had a cramp so bad I bend down and took a bit out of the carpet, carpet eating cramps..
by Ddplum November 27, 2013
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When you yawn and you get a painful cramp in your jaw/neck area. Sometimes it's so bad that you cannot close your mouth for a bit. It's called cocksucker's cramp because of the expression one does after yawning when he/she realizes she got a cramp it that area.
Chad : Matt yawned and his mouth stayed open for like 2 minutes.

Dan : LOL, Cock Sucker's cramp!
by Groscave December 5, 2012
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A head lamp. When primitive camping and end up having to *find a spot" to shit in the middle of the night!!! It helps free up both your hands for when it's time to take care of the paperwork!!! If you've ever had to try and hold a flashlight between your shoulder and cheek so you don't get shit on it you'll realize you need a shit cramp lamp!!!
Dude, I don't think I wiped good enough last night when I shit in the woods cause my ass itches like crazy!!! Me: "did you wipe until the paper was clean?" Buddy: dude, I couldn't see cause it was completely dark out!!! Me: you need a shit cramp lamp so you can make sure you get your ass cleaned good enough!!!
by LillDaryl January 4, 2023
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1) Verb: When getting down to the business with a girl, cramping a knick-knack is the sequence of removing her underwear, scratching them, sniffing them, scrunching them up and then throwing them on the floor.

2) The past tense of shtting your pants.
1) Lad 1: Did you bring that chick back last night?
Lad 2: Y'all better know dat! I did cramp a knick-knack.

2) Nicky Nicky Shinder: I just cramped my knick-knack again! Will have to buy some new Primark undies!
by NiftyCreature February 6, 2013
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