A deadly virus giving gamers E P I C free time for free.But it comes at a cost that cost is that you can't do a B I G gaming night with your friends.
xXEpic_GamerXx: " my grandma got coronavirus"
N00B_destroyerZZ: "F"
by Pythonology April 19, 2020
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Just a beer that is very deadly
Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause respiratory illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
by @jozieday101 January 27, 2021
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What happens when you drink too much of a well known Mexican beer and get the worst ring sting ever and your butt implodes
Man that was an awesome night but my butt is fucked from coronavirus
by AlexAlexUKK February 28, 2021
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Guy 1: have you heard of the new virus?
Guy2:no,what is it?
Guy 1: its coronavirus
Guy 3:no its satan's sex toy
by Who the fuck ate my nuggies August 29, 2020
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A virus that everyone hates because it makes us have to stay inside all day long every day, also its canceling lots of people's birthday's, and the virus was created by China.
Nick: Dude I hate China

Brad: Why?
Nick: because they created Corona

Brad: what's wrong with Corona I love drinking it
Nick: No not that Corona, Coronavirus

Brad: Oh yeah man I don't like China either then
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A Virus That Caused People To Stop Going To School And Then Come Back To it it Kills People And it Caused Karens To Make it Even Worse
Life: Do You Want A Virus Named Coronavirus

Me: No

Life: Do You Think I Care
by 1dk a name September 9, 2020
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A Virus That Came Out Of No Where And Now Killed Thousands Of People
Life :hey do you want a virus

Me : Please No

Life: Do i Care That You Said No Take it it's Named Coronavirus
by 1dk a name September 9, 2020
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