The art of jumping off of a bench with a boner and landing in a vagina.
Wes was thinking about he was going to Abraham aim his girlfriend, but he forgot his Viagra, and the evening was ruined.
by Hellow_Moto December 26, 2022
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a pick me boy, who is inlove with curly girls.
is that abraham ajiboye
yeah bro, he’s that pick me boy bro
by saltyshoresbro July 2, 2021
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An expression of religious extremism that understands that the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish pursuit of ideological fundamentalism, while defined with different cultural and historic terminology, represents the ideals of the same death cult.
In America, the fundamentalist Christians highlight the atrocities of Muslim extremists while turning a blind eye to their own sins, sins that reflect the values of the extremists they berate. Ultimately, what they fail to realize is that they are both part of the same death cult. Abrahamic extremism embodies the murderous pursuits of the three branches of the Abrahamic traditions.
by Against the tribes November 5, 2023
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he's gay af
likes cockmeat sandwiches for breakfast lunch and dinner
and is always down for a good time
Friend: "Hey do you know nick abraham?"
Me: Yeah thats that one gay boy from dallas right?
by knacutie123 May 7, 2018
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some funky ass school man
person 1: I go to Mt. Abraham for school
person 2: that's some funky school you got there
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One of the most open-minded presidents, especially near the end of his tenure.
Abraham Lincoln hated the Confederacy until John Wilkes Booth opened his mind.
by Anonymous Alligator January 15, 2022
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A guy history books (mis)lead people (especially brown people) into believing his intentions were more noble than they actually were. He was from Kentucky (the South) even though Illinois was called the land of Lincoln since that was where he rose to prominence. Had the South won the Civil War, the narrative wouldn't have been that he was a hero, it would have been that he was a traitor, so in order to protect himself, he had to make sure the North won at any cost. The same history books that write that Lincoln was a hero or a great man also write that guys like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were great men even though they owned slaves.
People seem to forget Abraham Lincoln was a politician and didn't give a fuck about them or future generations of their families, and though it's time the country saw a female president, a female politician would do all the same things as a guy, because she would come from the same human/inhuman race as the male politicians and everyone else, and would be capable of any evil and human weakness a male politician was.
by The Original Agahnim November 13, 2021
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