According to certain misguided people:

1.) the very odd, and hopefully nonexistent act of "spooning" the cum out of a girl's vagina. Inserting a spoon in the lady garden of your significant other to extract the cum from her body.

2.) A Metaphor for the act of fornication, in which the word "Spooning" is synonymous with sex.
for definition 2.)

"So...lets think of it as a dinner table. If sex were anything like this, than the bed would be the table itself, the two people on the bed would be the plates, and then the actual acts they're performing would be the spooning"
by Grandmaster Cookie December 12, 2011
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When you're smoking a joint and half is lit but the other half goes off and looks like a spoon. Can be triggered by smoking in windy places
Hey Chris would you pass me a lighter? my joint is spooning again!
by spooningsabitch November 4, 2010
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refering to the sexual position, its best to be big spoon, compared to little spooon
Hey Frank can I big big spoon tonight?
by frank rizzo January 26, 2004
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to be ownedowned
you have been spooned
by lucas halpert January 27, 2003
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Like forking, except with a different untensil.
"Hey, sexy, wanna do some forking tonight?"
"No, I think I'd rather do some spooning."
by xblondexsyndromex August 19, 2006
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To rub a spoon on somebody, Or to hit them with a Spoon.
"Shane stole a bunch of Plastic spoons from Ben & Jerry's so we had a Spooning party on the couch!"
by Bigbumpen15 October 27, 2009
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