Known for his attractiveness and how sexy he is has a massive pp
by Mr sexy beast November 22, 2021
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Sonny is an amazing girl that people mistake for a gay. She has the best humor. If you're her friend you wont regret it. She will protect you no matter what and doesn't give a fuck about haters. She helps a lot of her friends with their depression anxeity and other mental disorders.
You hear about how Sonny stopped her friend from cutting herself?
by Hdjshdjrbdheb March 12, 2019
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A well hung stud who pulls hella bitches and is a master of the rizz snap
All the girls are talking to him he must be a Sonny
by Farmerboyexplorer August 29, 2023
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Sonny is someone who rules over everyone and will kill anyone who tries to stop them
OMG look its Sonny he is our god
by Send bahonker pics March 26, 2021
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a short girl who is full of sunshine always loved acting,
singing, animals, and the color yellow!
sonny is awesome!
by i make random ppl February 24, 2019
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Sonny is really one of a kind.
He likes to roam around the streets of Tickhill with his bredrin and thinks he's hard with a blue BB gun.
He is very good at pulling boys and will completely change your life when you meet him, as he slowly forces you down the path of dresses and makeup.
Although he is good at football, he sucks at every video game and will never be better than his mates at one :)
Look over there at the boy in the dress!
Oh, dear! That's not any old boy, that's Sonny!
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The living embodiment of being single, like I mean this guy pulls absolutely zero bitches
Guy 1: Man, why hasnt Tom ever had a girlfriend?
Guy 2: Tom? Are you kidding me, that guys a total Sonny.
by CrackerStacker4748 August 24, 2022
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