something frowned upon by anyone named technoblade. they must be dropkicked, murdered, and kidnapped in the most cruel sense. if they attempt to fight back, TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES
“911 what’s your emergency?”
“I’ve been kidnapped by technoblade!”

“sir, why did you drop kick this child?”
I drop kicked that child in SELF DEFENSE

an orphan is a child whose parents have tragically died
by wherearetheaskers April 28, 2021
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A child having a great deal of lacking parents while constantly getting owned by Technoblade
by ILUVYOUNGORPHAN February 19, 2022
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You see that kid Brian Kahn right there, he's an orphan and we must stay away Jack.
by JIMMEDAJIMME December 28, 2022
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A person that is an absolute Chad otherwise known as a very cool person that is very annoying when you first meet but once you get to know is very awesome and cool who gets to many girls who is sick and likes the little things in life and loves ramen and also does not have parents
Friend:Hey dude sorry about what last night but look on the bright side your an orphan now

by spaceboyblue12 April 23, 2022
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Parentless fucked children who live in Orphanages
Person 1: Have you tried eating orphans before?
Person 2: Yes they are fucking delicous
by SapXD June 2, 2022
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