This refers to the excremental orifice of the human body.
"I thought you meant a human exhaust" - Vader
by vaderut99 August 11, 2021
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A complain about how modern people make Thier decisions.
HUMANITY REVIEW: What the fuck is wrong with all these people. Hello! I'm Nobel and I'm gonna present to you my new tool that will allow us to gain resources way faster..... Or FUCK UP some people.... That's cool too!
Ladies and gentlemen! Today we have nuclear power that will guarantee hundreds of people energy..... and death!
by IQ007 June 18, 2017
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Also known as Hamas and its supporters worldwide. Context : in early October 2023, the terrorist group Hamas and its degenerates followers launch a massive terrorist attack on the civilian of Israel using various form of missile strikes and infiltration during period of holiday important to Jewish people. The Human Animal savagely butcher civilian hiding inside bomb shelter, rape and kidnapped countless women and children. In one incident , they massacre attendees of a music festival with the death toll of more than 250 innocent civilian and many women were raped and shot afterwards. In Western countries and around the World, other human animals are celebrating this event through demonstrations with some living garbage offering free cookies to commemorate their victory against civilisation.
Israeli Defense minister: I have ordered a blockage on Gaza . No Electricity! No Food !No Fuel ! No Water ! Everything is closed! We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly !
by K-Anon October 10, 2023
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when a midget on roller skates wheres all of your clothes, and then you pull them through an airport.

(taken from snl)
Would being a human suitcase be embarrassing or fun? or both?
by duchndlhjcnbcnbchubcejbchue February 20, 2011
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According to 'SNL' a Human Suitcase is where you take a midget on roller skates and have him/her put on all your clothes then pull them thru an airport.
For Valentines day Sepfon recommends getting your sweetheart some human suitcases
by Strik9 February 13, 2011
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A midget on rollerskates wearing all your clothes while pulled by a string.
I saw my first human suitcase at the airport
by jasonswestern February 13, 2011
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It's that thing, of when a midget on rollerskates wears all of your clothes and then you pull them through an airport.
They made me check my human suitcase cause there was no room in the overhead bins.
by jmreno February 26, 2011
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