A friend that enjoys the same activities as you, you share leads/tips/info and are often in on the same projects or seen together in a space/event just hanging out.
John and Bob are running buddies, they are always in the same discord hanging out, you see them in spaces together and their wallets have NFTs from the same projects.
by Longboys22 May 8, 2022
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A boy cross country member selected by a girl member to be her buddy and go on fun outings together or in groups of other "coupled" running buddies

also the girl running buddy may do whatever she likes to the boy, as long as its not mean. i.e. grabbing their moobs, hugging them, giving them sex hair, or just playing around with them. no hurting them.

also meant to help each other at meets such as holding water and other items for each other. and just generally being helpful
girl "I pick you to be my running buddy!"
boy "okay"
girl "lets go out to eat or something with the other running buddies sometime"
by Gudule#4 September 24, 2009
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Someone who came be alone with they’re thoughts and when they get in car they automatically have to call someone to talk
*phone rings* you must need a car buddy that’s why you called me, yep
by Herk87 July 17, 2023
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When you're a teacher and you're never in your class to do what you're getting paid to do. Teach.
Mr. White is pulling a buddy Biggs.
by Captain horse cock March 15, 2017
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She has big head, but super funny. Her dog has crusty ass noes like her owners elbows
by Erik the FUCKboy April 23, 2020
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Friends who are uncircumcised and are aware of the fact.
"Those guys are way too open with each other. They're turtleneck buddies."
by clyde1the2ghost November 18, 2012
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Sex buddies. People who have sex together even if one of them are in a relationship with someone else.
Sam is my snoop buddie, her boyfriend doesnt know though.
by anonymous6462 November 24, 2014
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