a shortened-down version of "literally"
a: he just screamed at her, lits.

b: you mean he just went at her?

a: blates he did, he lits tore her head off!

b: totes..
by Caitlin Jane Byrne January 4, 2008
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Wow that's so lit, I wish I was that cool.
by Branakin Skywalker February 12, 2016
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It's a slang word that used to mean strong intoxication until, in mid 2016, it suddenly meant "Awesome". This new term became popular slang in less than a week.
"Cool" Teacher:Let's get lit.
Billy:*pulls out vodka*
by A Wise Donkey July 21, 2016
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Something a faggot says to be cool
Guy: Hey dude you go to that concert yesterday?

Faggot: yeah dude it was LIT
by S.T.Ds are for me February 9, 2018
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The term "lit" means to be "Hype or "Turnt Up" for something.
"Man that party at Fred house last week was lit af!
by ThatNicca100 September 8, 2016
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A gaming term used in one of two ways

A)An enemy that has been damaged to 50% or below

B)It can also be used in a way to say how much damage you have done
A) The enemy snipers lit

B) He's lit for 20
by Podx13 November 18, 2016
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Super cool, high, wasted, awesome.
Man that game was lit.
I am soo lit right now.
This party is gonna be lit.
by litshit69 March 4, 2016
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