To be inundated with an awesome aura of energy that infiltrates others around you akin to an aphrodisiac virus.
That guy has been lifting and dieting so much that his beast infection has turned critical
by ArtofAwesome October 9, 2013
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Catching COVID-19 despite having no apparent contact with someone who is positive.
Man, I have been locked in my apartment for weeks, but I somehow caught C-19. It was an immaculate infection!
by Preacher-Man January 1, 2021
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Use in an ironical way to make fun of people dumb enough to ask medical advice on the internet
- does this look infected?
- Yes , you will probably die
by Robot-chicken July 15, 2014
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The annoying odour women get down there is caused by a change in pH balance from semen entering her vagina.
She wont without a condom or she'll have to deal with a fresh jizz infection afterwards.
by Golove November 3, 2019
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Sex without a condom is great when your on birth control. Love it 😄 jizz infection is when sperm penetrates the walls inside your vagina, and it begins to peal. The thin vagina wall mixes with the sperm and yeast begins to grow with the semen. What goes in must come out, and he might not eat you out with a fishy odour.
I'm using plain yogurt to get the jizz infection to go away.
by Golove November 3, 2019
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I like to cum, but inside a woman makes her vagina smell like rat shit for some reason.
by Golove November 7, 2019
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Something gurus deal with all the time if they are in any sort of tensioned and it makes them not interested in having another remainder until they fix their vagina infection after contaminated with semen.
Not another jizz infection. Not gonna sleep with another man forever!
by Golove November 7, 2019
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