Calming a person with african american ethnicity as a joke.
Tyrone: "I'm going to brutally end your life!"
Jake: "woah calm down jamal dont pull out the 9 haha!"
Tyrone: "Thanks for calming me down man! I really appreciate it!"
by TheWorldo June 14, 2023
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Woah on a bitch definition : you got to be a tweaker , have no kids because your baby daddy got them, you owe child support and you must live in the tent, definition of woah on a bitch.
That chick is a woah on a bitch ......
by Alexybee March 9, 2020
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When a ghetto white girl tries to fit in and uses mera wo to get their attention but ends up saying “hey woAH
by nicky;3; November 3, 2019
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its an overused dead meme wich was never be funny or will be
woah Woah W o a h W O A H *WOAH* *W O A H*
examples for the woah meme

woah is an expression of excity, fear and heart ache
by PalmasKotstube :D October 25, 2017
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Extreamly gay male whos part of a nazi group.
Hey look its hannah(woah) he must be very gay
by Unknown_White_Male February 1, 2018
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When you try to act funny by saying the word woman in a stupid way
Josh: Hey girls! If one of you marry me you'll be a true woah-man!

Girls: Stfu please.
by Ryan_the_retard March 22, 2022
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