Some mf that always wins ratios and deserves to be loved fr
Look guys its Fate/Carl! Tell him he's an amazing person
by Miguelffrfr January 20, 2022
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Baby’s Fate Fiesta can be thought of a sort-of pre-gender reveal party (in certain circumstances)

The purpose of the party is for expecting mothers and fathers to host their friends and family and either pop a balloon or light a firework or some other incendiary device that will reveal either black or white smoke. White smoke indicates to guests that the parents plan to keep the baby to term while black smoke reveals to guests that the parents plan to terminate the pregnancy.

After the baby’s fate has been “revealed guest partake in various games and enjoy cake.
Steve: Hey are you coming to Tom and Jennifer’s party this weekend? They’re having there baby’s fate fiesta and it should be a blast!
John: Yeah! I’ll be there I just hope to see white smoke because the last two times they host a party it’s been black smoke.

Steve: Yeah, me too. And they always have great cake. It’d be cool. If they‘re baby would be able to try it some day.
by SausageTunnel September 19, 2023
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As a form of destiny or fate, a Prom Fate is when you're going to prom with your prom date, then, before the end of the night, he/she either friend-zones or breaks up with you.
I met my Prom Fate last night, man. I miss her so much already.
by Garbonzo the 3rd April 24, 2018
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A very fat and large kid that eats very healthy. As well just sits and plays a video game all day without exercise. Also abuses drugs and steals from parents not caring about their future. Also acts very ghetto to portray an image and wants to fight everyone that says something
“Aye that boy fates need to get if the game now quiet playin or ima klip you”
by YungChopU September 15, 2020
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Fire emblem fates
Known as the game that was made for horny weebs that fuck body pillows
Seriously, if you like this game go fucking kys
Fite:"Fates is better than FE7"
by Robin the fool August 15, 2017
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Fate is written from above. It is not something you can control. Many believe in it, some others choose not to. It is there. Fate can lead you to meet someone you never thought you would. To go to an adventure that was completely out of your plans. To do something you would actually never do. We humans like to have everything under our control. We try our best to keep it that way. That's not the case. Fate is for all. You can't predict what will happen. You have to trust. You have to believe. You have to eventually go with the flow and let yourself free. In the end, everything will work out in their own way. All you've got to do is trust the proccess, be patient and live.
"How is this even possible? I never thought this could happen"
"It was fate"

"Did it ever pass your mind that we would meet?"
"No. I guess it was fate?"

"Do you believe in fate?"
"Why do you think I am here in the first place?"
by sunshine2922 November 28, 2021
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Nothing can hinder gods will and your individual will from happening. Smoothness and synced are caressed to what is.
Have you checked k out her prints on getting here, it's like fate was at work
by commando titi whiti March 26, 2022
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