One who posts his dick pics on a social media website describing his pee fetish
"Damn man you passed a dirty mcdermott
by TiddiesMilk February 6, 2017
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Damn, stop trying to get it in with those fat bitches, you dirty squirrel
by _RD_ April 13, 2020
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The Dirty Denn is a meaning where someone takes someone to there sex dungeon
It was such a great night he took me to his dirty denn and we made love all night
by dennyyyyy June 8, 2020
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When someone has sex in a fountain filled with ones mythical body fluids in the middle of a shopping mall.
I was trying to shop yesterday, of course someone was doing a Dirty Garrison
by Yaboi5790 December 9, 2021
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When you need to piss really bad so you pee on a cat named Lilli but it’s so much pee it gets all over the floor and dyes the carpet yellow
Dude I just did a dirty lilli on your cat!
by Ihatemisquotes September 10, 2021
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Getting fucked vigorously in the ass while using the triangle combo in DBZ
I couldn’t win cause I was getting a dirty Vershawd while playing
by Jeniffer atkiss May 2, 2020
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When your parter shits themselves and then puts it on a canvas. After that they sell it online to impress you.
" I got $1000 selling a painting"
" How did you do that?"
" I sold a Dirty Mické"
by Dairy__Daddyy July 16, 2022
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