1. Mythical humanoid creature said to be tall and brutish, possessing great regenerative powers. they are generally thought of as evil and malevolent, and to feast on human flesh

2. A playable race from the popular MMORPG game World of Warcraft™©®(where applicable) created by Blizzard ™©® entertainment. The Darkspear Trolls are one of the proud and heroic races of the "Horde". They have the racial ability of healing themselves over time,"berserking", "Da voodoo shuffle" and bow specialization. The Horde is the opposing faction of the "Alliance"

3. An internet troll, is any group or person who creates arguments on forums, chat rooms, comment pages, or anywhere on the internet that allows open interaction between people through written text. The skilled troll can create an argument on any subject. They generally use subversive techniques to mislead people in to thinking they believe a point of view that they in fact either know to be false or do not believe at all. A cunning and clever troll can incite an argument with another person over just about an subject.

ie: troll: "Don't you ever read the bible? The earth is the center of the universe, and it's a flat disc" victim: "Wow, seriously? were you home schooled by idiots or something? One of the first things you learn in school science is that the earth is a sphere, and revolves around the sun".

A true troll never actually believes in any statement they make, they spout falsity's in order to create friction.
1. The billy goats gruff were stopped by a troll that lived under a bridge. Harry Potter, Hermoine, and Ron, encountered a troll in the girls restroom.

2. I chose a troll hunter because they have great racial ability's

3. The Landover Baptists are the worlds greatest trolls.
by Mr green April 29, 2013
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A Slang Name for a Nagging Personal Assistant or Secretary.
Hows work today, Okay but “The Troll” has been on my back about doing time sheets
by Enfield Man August 22, 2011
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Plural of troll.

"One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument"

Source: Alien Entity (author) and the Urban Dictionary page that houses it.
The above definition and more can be found by clicking the link for the word "troll".
by grima_an November 28, 2004
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Like Troll Dolls, The Troll is rather fubsy, making her supernatural deceptiveness all the more insidious to her unsuspecting victims. With stumpy little legs stemming from her stout stature, The Troll comfortably dwells in damp and dark places, such as under rickety old bridges or on the inferior second floor of a college residence hall. Her knappy, afro-textured hair bears unquestionable resemblance to the multicolored tangled nest of hair atop Troll Dolls' heads. Her wicked red eyes are themselves a life-sucking force that reflect the blazing depths of hell that reside deep within her shattered soul. Whoever said that Reese Witherspoon and Anna Faris are cursed with unfavorably large foreheads must never have encountered the gaping expanse of flesh between The Troll's demonic eyes and grisly hair. 

The Troll is undoubtedly possesses many psychopathic personality traits. Entirely detached from reality, The Troll distorts the truth about not only present situations but also her past in an unsuccessful attempt to make herself more appealing. Her unforgivable duplicity results from her obstinate emulation of others. The Troll's performs a self-prescribed apathy that supposedly makes her incapable of feeling a range of human emotions. Thus, The Troll is uniquely misunderstood in her isolation from society. This destructive world view nurtures her egocentricity and arrogance.  
SMC Student #1: "Miss Tina makes the best cookies! They are so warm and gooey!"
The Troll: "In high school, everyone asked me to come over and make cookies for them. I make the best cookies. Want to know my secret as to how to make them gooey? I smash them."

The Troll: "...And I could totally tell that he was an engineer. All engineers have such low, raspy voices."
SMC Studnet #2: "Ummm that's not true at all. My brother is an engineer major and he doesn't have a low voice..."
The Troll: "..."
by furryfriends4ever December 29, 2011
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Trolling is the exploration of the contrary. It serves as a primer to ignite the stupidity lying dormant within the zeal of an ideology or proposition.

A successful troll can be successful, by adopting a point of view contrary to their own and exploiting its weaknesses before a fellow proponent. A troll knows his enemy by trolling as his enemy.

A good troll plays a polemicist, with the hope of exposing the arrogance and irrationality of his target. A naive and unsuspecting victim is much more likely to deal a statement in absolutes if approached by someone appearing equally vehement of the contrary. A troll must sustain their position, however unlikely or immoral it may be. Ecumenicism does not exist in the world of troll.

In is no coincidence that induction of emotional outbursts in others is a salient feature of successful trolling. Indeed, it has been suggested that this property allows for a redefining of trolling as a critical analysis of human nature by socially deconstructive commentary.

In addition to being a valuable addition to discourse, trolling is a leisurely activity. One who opposes conventional wisdom need not be a revolutionary nor fool, merely a connoisseur of the fruit of uncertainty which gives so many imperious souls the indigestion that is rage.

Just as a witticism is an epigram on the death of a feeling, a successful troll is concluded with an epitaph on the death of a certainty.
Trolling: "God clearly scorched the negro's skin black in preparation for hell. That sounds merciful to me. Do you or do you not believe you can get a sunburn in hell?"
by Magnus Bojaxiu December 5, 2011
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Anyone who fails to recognize a troll and responds to it with anger or annoyance is said to have been "trolled". Being trolled often results in large quantities of butthurt.
*On an online forum*
Guy 1: You internet geeks are pathetic! I can bench 300lbs and have a banging hot girlfriend. (She just blew me, shit was SO cash.)
Guy 2: You think you're so much better than us? FOAD, internet tough guy!

Guy 3: lol! You got trolled!
by y=mx+b January 18, 2009
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Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone. Forcing them to respond to you, either through wise-crackery, posting incorrect information, asking blatantly stupid questions, or other foolishness. However, trolling statements are never true or are ever meant to be construed as such. Nearly all trolled statements are meant to be funny to some people, so it does have some social/entertainment value.

"Trolling" isn't simply "harmful statements". Intentionally insulting/libelous statements are "flaming".

Just as bad as trolling is "Feeding the Trolls". This is when people say stuff that they know will prompt someone to respond with a trolled reply and/or replying to comments that are blatantly from a troll. This is especially true when a troll first makes his comment/reply, and (usually many) people respond, either trying to correct the troll, or express anger at the statement. At that point, the trolling was successful and has been fed. When encouraged by success and feeding, trolls often return.
In World of Warcraft, there are occasionally people that blurt out in world chat, "You get your mount at level 40 and costs 100 gold." then immediately signs off.

This information is outdated by over a year; but MANY people respond for at least 10-15 minutes afterwards with either corrections or calling that player a 'dummy', or something similar insulting their intelligence.

Trolling and subsequent feeding. Perfect example.
by Pachmoedius May 1, 2009
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