When the intial do teller gets told what to do.
Josh: "Go wash the dishes Mike."
Mike:"Go take out the trash Josh."
Carl: "Dam that's some Second-Hand Monkey-Hand."
by Capuchin for Hire April 24, 2022
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A girl who's having a boyfriend for the second time in her life.

When she has an ex-boyfriend.
by strawberry bonbon October 24, 2023
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When someone did something so cringe that you start cringing with or for them (depending on the person).
“Robert gave me second hand cringe
“What he do”
“He was watching peppa pig in high school”
“Ew now I’m cringing
by kid dying in a mini van April 19, 2022
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Where one person in a group finds something way funnier than everyone else and everyone starts to laugh at that person


Where one person's laugh is so funny that you laugh at it rather than whatever their laughing at.
My friend couldn't stop laughing at cats on YouTube and we all got second-hand laughs off him
by chundercat52 April 10, 2012
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Refers to where you pick up a discarded object to examine it for possible value to you, then decide that you don't want it, either, and toss it down again.
Second-hand littering has been a hotly-debated topic for eons. One the one hand, a person who picks up something that someone else has already thrown away likely feels that it's not his responsibility to go and find a trash can for said discarded object just because he briefly handled it, since he was not the one who originally discarded the item, and he himself is a conscientious bloke who never litters like that with his own trash. But many other humans disagree --- they feel that by tossing away the item again, this "second" person is littering just as much as the "original" litterbug, since he, too, is dropping an unwanted item on the ground. "Dropping any unwanted item on the ground instead of in a trash can is still littering," they insist, "regardless of whether the item was already there or not!"
by QuacksO August 18, 2018
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Also known as SHA;
• a state of mental or emotional excitement occurring when someone is going to try something you love for the first time
• A form of reminiscence - a fond memory of when you tried something for the first time with an inability to experience that feeling ever again
Y: Have you tried using a vibrator during sex?

A: No I haven't

Y: Broooo I have so much second-hand anticipation right now
by Hloff October 6, 2021
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