Being Silly
Oh silly sailor why are you being such a poon?
by Random John July 10, 2003
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Extreemly boned. Sort of the pwned of boned.
Oh my shit, you pooned her!
by Little Ben November 12, 2003
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An insult refering to one's physical strength or body size.
Liz is a poon.(If Liz is very skinny).
by G Money May 15, 2003
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Plural- Poons

1. unique kinds of people who are not ordinary. These kind of people would either lament about their six-pack all day long ,or they would dance Gangnam Style with no apparent reasons.
2. a slang term that is use to call people who dance Gangnam Style with no apparent reasons ,or lament about their six-pack all day long.
My friend named Poon is a Poon! He have a very big six-pack!
by Handsome Poon March 25, 2015
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1-A female's genital organ (vagina)(same as #1 above)

2-A slang term for wimp, often used by teenage males who want to boost their masculinity (same as #1 above)

A Poon may also refer to:

1-Kevin Michael McAlpine

2-...and anyone else who spells it incorrectly
Anyone who spells "poon" as "p-u-n-e" is a complete "poon". It is obvious to anyone with minute intelligence that the correct spelling is "P-O-O-N".

Don't be such a POON and spell it right.
by Gnome November 22, 2004
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To throw wads of wet toilet roll over the top of a toilet cubicle whilst someone is on the loo.
'OMG i totally pooned that person - HILARIOUS'
by Fruitshoot38 September 11, 2011
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1. Surfing the web or talking to your friends on facebook.

2. A last name.
Stacey enjoys pooning Jane.

JANE RHY would say "aww man i was just pooned by stacey"

There's this guy on facebook named William Poon.
by Piirate Sophia October 23, 2008
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