5 definitions by Little Ben

(adj) an adjective that can emphasize anything, and should be used often.
"jon jon pimps mad naked bitches in his camry"
"wow, theres mad naked people here at this party"
"there was mad naked food at ryan's house"
by Little Ben January 9, 2006
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Extreemly boned. Sort of the pwned of boned.
Oh my shit, you pooned her!
by Little Ben November 12, 2003
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Extreemly, severely pwned. Like a third form of owned (Owned, Pwned, P'zoned).
by Little Ben November 12, 2003
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1.(adj) Vince is a term used to describe someone who is straight, but acts gay in a joking or accidental manner.
"Hey, you guys wanna go to the ashlee simpson concert with me?"
"Fuck that, thats so vince"
by Little Ben January 8, 2006
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