Board Certified Pediatric Dentists providing cutting edge premier children's dentistry for infants, toddlers, children, teens and those with special needs. Our team of dentists are extensively trained in all disciplines of dentistry for growing children. An excellent joy filled environment to assist even the most anxious of little ones through an appointment. Leaders in their field providing dental care for the underprivileged by serving Hopes Door, Save a Smile, various women's shelters, Grace and 6 Stones Ministry.
Giggles and Grins Pediatric Dentistry
by Giggles and Grins March 8, 2023
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Means unable to control feeling under very } conditions (almost every adjectives can fit).
Hahaha, i love how people just dodge at the last second of champ select in League!!!(grinning face with sweat)
by Chara0420 September 20, 2021
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A grade above mooning - a vulgar motion where you show disdain for someone by revealing your backside and spreading your buttocks.
"The man was so upset his friend told him to just grin yuh bam bam."
by MDGilligan October 19, 2011
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Permanent grin. Usually a result of great fortune arriving in someone's life; a brand new love, winning the lottery (or one of my personal fav's: watching someone illegally passing on the shoulder during rush hour and promptly getting NAILED by the cops.)

source: Rebecca L. of Montana
Look at the perm-a-grin on his face. He is totally twitterpated with her. He smiles all the time, can't stop talking about her, he is always texting or calling her. That boy is whipped!
by Rob G. aka theTexasWolf August 26, 2015
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When a cat opens it's mouth drawing air in and up into the Jacobson's organ to process the scent more deeply than your cat's nose can. Usually resulting in an open mouth grinning expression.
"What's on this blanket? The cats got a wicked carpet grin."
"Dale, the damn cat is grinning at the carpet again!"
by LordOftheTacos February 21, 2023
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grin fucker is like grin fucking the difference is grin fucker actually put a strategy in play and in time win the grinning contest
good luck explaining your actions to the old grin fucker
by sanxity June 19, 2019
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When you take a loss an you’re winning. It refers to having a smirk. Basically knowing a win is coming right around the corner! This phrase came about from an artist on Soundcloud by the name “Zae eaz
Yo, that’s wild how ol’ buddy hit you with the double crossover and shot them 3 pts on you!!!

Nah, you needa chill. That’s that loose grinning we up by 2. Game about to be over !
by ZuaZzzzzzAA44 May 26, 2022
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