It’s a funny way of saying Throw. Lazarbeam love that word. You should check his channel out.

You can say yeeted, yote, or yoted for past tense
I love to yeet rocks
I yoted a rock
I yeeted a dog??
by BroIAmYEET January 6, 2020
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Yeet means to throw something at a high velocity. You could yeet something across the room to someone or something. You can also yeet something for no reason if you wanted too, but you don’t have to.
Child: Hello!
Adult grabs child
Child: What are you doing?
Proceeds to throw the child and says: Yeetus the fetus!!
by Cade D. May 17, 2019
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Yeet, used when expressing excitement or simply saying yes; can be used when agreeing with someone. Yeet is also used when throwing an object.
1&2: Guy one,"Hey man! Wanna go to that party tonight? Guy two, "Yeet!"
3: Guy one, "I need to throw this empty water bottle in the trash." Guy two, "Just yeet it in the bin!"
by Julianna_exe October 29, 2018
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The shit that laserbeam says in every single video
by December 18, 2020
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Yeet (V.) ye – ét
(To current knowledge and understanding of "yeet"):

The word yeet may be used very subjectively to define any action in which you believe is worthy of a yeet.

For example, pooping may not be worthy of a yeet, but to others it may. You must be careful when using yeet, though. If you use it too much, others could see it as a sign that you are a wimp. Yet if you use it too little, you could also be seen as a wimp. Scientists have suggested that a "Goldilocks Zone" exists for yeet, much like the Goldilocks Zone used to determine wether or not a planet may habit life. Scientists determine that a healthy lifestyle of yeet includes 4 in the morning, 7 in the afternoon, and 3 at night.
Conjugation of Yeet:
Present: Yeet
ie. I yeet whenever I need to.

Future: Yate
ie. We will yate you, so watch out.

Past: Yote
ie. Didn't you see how we just yote that guy?

Past Participle: Yite
ie. Have you yite?
by Anti-Vax October 7, 2018
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To throw an object with stupid intent
This bitch empty, yeet!
*Throws glass bottle into crowd of people
by BiggestBoyo January 17, 2019
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