A soundcloud rapper trying to make it big. soundcloud.com/lil-moist
Hey man did you hear Lil Moist's song he just released. It's lit.
by Lil Moist Gang March 29, 2018
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Ohhhhhh moist in the dank basement
Ohhhh how you are so moist
Ohhh now only the moist can survive this life
Ohhhhhhh moisture
Ohhh moisture

defined as- people of moist a very yummy and moist group with alexandra whan, zachary nearchou ,onya byer
never leave there group they will make moist memes about you
wow dude have you seen the people of moist they are kill 'in it bro
by theobomb November 10, 2017
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During the act of cunnilingus using your face and mouth region to wipe the excess vaginal discharge from a female, leaving it moist and refreshed
I didn't just eat that pussy it I gave myself a moist wipe.
by the real poop ninja May 15, 2010
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This is simply accomplished by taking a woman and having coitus with her in HER grandad's bed.
Kyle: Did you give her a moist grandad?
Austin: Had to.
by Beagleman June 17, 2017
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Man I got a moist ham. It’s hot as hell out.

That workout left me with a great pump and a moist ham.

She wanted me to eat her ass but it was a moist ham so I made her shower. It’s too tangy like that.
by Dick Onchin October 3, 2020
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A particularly messy woman's vagina. Usually as a result of a large gangbang or orgy.
i turned up late the other day and was at the back of the queue. By the time it was my turn it was a moist gutter.
by coitus queen September 12, 2015
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A name for a friend or acquaintance that always backs out on plans due to inclement weather.
Is Balthazar still joining us for dinner?

No, he said it's raining to harshly.

Jesus, he can be such a moist todd!
by capnnarcolepsy March 24, 2011
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