Usually a Spanish name. Anyone with the last name Martins is automatically the most kind hearted loving person you will ever meet, they will always be there no matter what to pick you up when your down or even just to talk when no one else wants to. They’re a different breed of amazing in looks and personality and deserve the world yet the people who have offered to show it to them may have failed. They most likely have been through a lot of stress and emotional Trauma but instead of folding under the pressure they stayed positive and learned and grew learning from the experience. Martins’ are the best friend you could ever ask for and if you ever become friends with someone who holds this last name be prepared to love them like a brother because they will be around for the long haul
those two are either brothers or one of them is a Martins
by Broncosfan37 February 2, 2020
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a through banging brought forth by a member of the Martin family
a chick i know had a 1 hour martinizing session
by Robs2001f150 March 18, 2009
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When someone makes a grammar or spelling mistake or uses a word in an improper context
Robert asked Martin where he is going,
Martin replied I’m going over they’re!
Robert replied that’s a Martinism if I’ve ever heard one!
by Legend07_1973 April 5, 2023
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When a very stressed out engineer takes a giant dump in the ERC toilet, thus leaving streak marks in the toilet
Man I was really filled with shit and martined the toilet to hell.
by Young Genius March 4, 2008
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another name for pinokio
martin has a big nose
by carl202p February 23, 2016
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definition of a thot. the ultimate hoe. no mercy hoe.
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