1: The continuous grind to achieve more research and silver lions in War Thunder which makes one play immense amounts of the game. This can reduce cognitive abilities severly and reduces the user to a primal state. (E.g.; Gronk, a name which could be used in primal civilization times.)

2. The ability to go primal upon your surroundings.
Man, gronking War Thunder made me go insane.

Yo, you wanna gronk a bit?
by TheSelousScout March 4, 2022
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To describe a person as being dreadful, disgusting or just plain bad. Believed to originate in Australian English.
Person 1: “Oi! You fucking Gronk!”
Person 2: “Aww, rack off.”
by Scotty #1 October 5, 2021
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Person 1: ur a fucken gronk

Person 2: Whats that?
Person 1: Donald trump
by Gayest_bitch December 10, 2018
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Small, unintelligent, white female. Their first name genrally starts with A, H, J. They tend to always strongly disagree with anyone that thinks differently to them.
"Fuck off you far, ugly gronk"
by GronkPhobist6969 July 21, 2020
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a man boasting about himself when he cant actually do anything he says
Drugo) I robbed a liquor store today
Dealer) No you tried to steal a chocolate bar from the store and backed out because your to pussy to steal your just a gronk
by 4twentymasta November 24, 2015
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A character used in Russian folklore and found in ancient Egyptian stories.

A being gifted with supernatural abilities that is considered immortal. A legendary being capable of inhuman feats of strength.

A creature that mango farmers in Brazil are commonly on the lookout for due to it’s habit of stealing large amounts of mangos.

Gronks, are a special forces unit in certain militaries.
1. Go to bed now, or the Gronk will come for you!

2. Keep your yogurt away from where you sleep, or the Gronk may find you.

3. Look! In the trees! I can see El Gronko, he’s got the mangos!(The gronk is referred to as El Gronko in some countries)

4. Watch out for that guy, I heard he was once a Gronk.
by November 28, 2021
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Living life to the fullest in a carefree manner, like a Big Kid without a care in the world. Partying on a whole Nother level. Having a Mutha Fuckin Hella Good Ass Time! "In Honor of the newly retired future Hall of Famer #87 from Beantown. " Y'all Already Know!
"Are y'all hittin da club up tonight? " "Shit we ain't hittin da club up. We tearin the Ass out that Bitch...We GETTIN GRONK IN THIS MUTHA FUCKA"!!!!!!!!!
by Jdilla March 25, 2019
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