
Complete slander. No one from Boston ever calls it Beantown.
"I love bean town!"
"You fuckin' retahded tourist. It's Boston. Not Beantown."
by SexyKitten6969 February 22, 2006
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The great city of Boston, MA (but you don't really see too many beans here...)
by M-easy July 5, 2003
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Horribly outdated nickname for Boston, Massachusetts that no self-respecting Bostonian or New Englander uses. Typically used only by tourists, sportswriters, or television reporters that are new to the area. Name stems from the New England food staple of beans slow-baked in molasses.
Every college kid calls this place Beantown until someone decks them for it.
by Ashley the Penguin November 16, 2003
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Slang term used in reference to Boston, Massachusetts. Ironic as you will rarely see people eating beans in Boston. Individuals with intense elitist attitudes may reside here. Also home of the Red Sox, expensive rent, numerous colleges, and crippling traffic.
I went to Beantown today to hang out with people that don't pronounce their R's, are hyper-educated, and/or working class heroes. Good thing they don't actually eat beans here or it would smell terrible.
by Cap'n Soggy August 26, 2012
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It's suppose to be a nickname for Boston, MA.
A Major Fail.

Of course many teenagers who live in Boston use it because they think its cool, for some odd reason.
When in reality it make them sound retahded (for the many of you people here who think we all actually talk like that) and makes me question how well our education system really is.
by bodiesandwords August 16, 2009
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A dumb name for a provincial urban-renewal project somewhere in New England.
Beantown is overrated, and it shuts down at 2 in the morning. Lame.
by AflacJack May 22, 2005
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by Rev. T-Monk September 10, 2003
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