Her: hey we should hang out, btw I’m a little chubby.
Him: Yeah I’m down to hang, and yeah no worries I don’t discriminate but FBS?
by Duhduhduuuuhh December 22, 2020
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Specifically for football Twitter and the numerous virgins on the platform, ‘fb g’ means follow back g.
by fabsfulham on twitter January 28, 2021
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Follow back often used when you want someone to follow u cause your following them usually for accounts that aren't rinsta's
Hey could u fb on insta?
by Fb on insta December 10, 2016
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When you scroll down facebook like a hampster on a wheel. Just going down and down and down glazed over in boredom.
I need to stop hampstering fb and go watch McGuyver.
by spinal365 January 19, 2011
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Scrolling through Facebook profile pictures while fapping
You have been in the bathroom for an extended period of time, quit fb fapping and come out.
by MarthNi June 3, 2018
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an excuse for not doing work because you're on facebook or distracted by the internet.
I should be writing a paper right now but I'm on my fb break
by ragermajor June 8, 2012
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A server that's absolute gayness.
Maple- obsessed with shibes
Klai- baby boi
Shin-the most normal person also brazil
Egg-complete autism also complete bottom
Plane boi- normal but not normal
Fork-pro memer
Gazel-doesnt exist
No aim-mincarft
Coolio-mr steal your girl
Person 1:"Being in Toilet fbs is pure sex."
Person 2:"what is wrong with you..."
by GayAssOmlet August 25, 2020
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