3 definitions by MarthNi

It's a really smart and funny joke way of saying 69
Last night I Bondburger your sister
by MarthNi October 12, 2021
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Scrolling through Facebook profile pictures while fapping
You have been in the bathroom for an extended period of time, quit fb fapping and come out.
by MarthNi June 3, 2018
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1. Meaning friend, someone trustworthy or used as a friendly way to address someone

2. Another way of saying retard , for use when you're not allowed to- or should not say it. Such as in school or public places
1. Hello my buddy, see you tomorrow buddy, hey buddy.

2. My teacher told me not to call him a retard, so I started calling him buddy instead and he still hasn't realized lol
by MarthNi February 5, 2020
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