Doorknobbing- When you put someone'seye socket against a doorknob and kick the back of their head into the door.
You stole my girlfriend, I'm gonna go doorknobbing on ya!
by Ubanman February 20, 2018
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The action of wrapping a penis around a doorknob so that the door knobber can open and close the door or twist the doorknob in order to get off.
Jim: Did you hear Jared doorknobbing last night?
by Cloud Sungay September 22, 2018
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When you shove a doorknob in a girl’s butthole while milking your pet llama. You then climax and cum on a Tunisian turtle while getting pegged by an olympic bodybuilder. After cumming you take a nasty shit on the doorknob.
“Will where is my doorknob

“Ah my bad, I was givin Karen a Tunisian Doorknob
by MartinBaumm December 15, 2022
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When you did awful but attempted to be positive about it while being toxic towards yourself at the same time
I ate doorknob last night
by Mupmup2424 July 3, 2023
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Due to the sheer size of elephants, Finding a Doorknob in the Dark refers to how they mate. They mount and then just stay there until the males genitalia finds its way in.
Did you see those elephants? It looked like he had no idea where he was supposed to put it.

Yea, like finding a doorknob in the dark.
by Momo J December 18, 2009
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When a man packs both his penis and testicles entirely in a woman's vagina simultaneously.
Likely performed by the rest of the world ever since Adam did it to Eve, the French were the first to claim responsibility and ownership of the French Doorknob.
by Roger Elliot December 31, 2022
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how friends in college tell each other they are at their room without knocking so to not scare them into thinking it is an RA at the door
Friend 1: hey when you get to my room tonight just jiggle the doorknob so I know it’s you.

Friend 2: why can’t I knock?
Friend 1: because RA’s knock duh
by allnightlongeeerr October 28, 2018
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