When your trying to give a girl the D
She can get this mufuckin candy basket.”
by Tre Lopez a.k.a Rico Sauve January 2, 2018
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Something you can get if you go into the pedophiles basement on the amazing holiday we call hallo motherfuckin ween!
Want some Halloween candy? Your cute, you should take off your shirt!
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 13, 2023
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A reference for Cocaine used in a business setting by a douchebag at inappropriate times in order to ruin one's career.
Regretfully, I won't be able to attend your Halloween party due to the lack of required Columbian Candy.
by DirthDirtdiver October 19, 2016
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When you bend your non-erect penis into a U shape and stick it inside the significant other using the bend to see how long it will take to get hard and snap.
Person 1: Yo bro what's the matter, you look pretty sad.
Person 2: I broke my penis last night. :(
Person 1: Bruh what- how!?
Person 2: She wanted to do candy cane anal.
by THOT_EXTERMINATOR69 January 31, 2023
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The candy drizzles is a spontaneous disease that women give men by exciting them with alluring behaviour in a surprising or sudden way. It seems to be affecting the adolescent population in a more statistically significant way.
Man, the sexy substitute teacher gave me a case of the candy drizzles -- and now I need a new pair of pants.
by tototoroto November 29, 2012
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When you put your special glaze on her booty after doggystyle
Guy 1: I candied her yams the same night I met her
Guy 2: Damn you wild n*gga
by vega the one May 19, 2021
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Slang for Adderall. Every college student's best friend when writing a paper in one night.
"You sure you can finish that paper tonight?"
"Yeah dude, I'll take a homework candy and bust it out no problem"
by drfunk441 March 9, 2021
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