adj: neo-modern, I.e. post 9/11
Space-age would be a great adjective to describe modern idotagers in north America and their notions of nationalism and patriotism
by Sexydimma November 22, 2017
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Maya Space Studio is Vadodara based leading interior designer firm serving in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Bharuch, Rajkot, Anand, Morbi, and other cities of Gujarat.
Maya Space Studio | Luxury Interior Designers in Vadodara Gujarat
by Maya Space Studio June 14, 2021
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To completely destroy an inanimate object, especially an electronic device, using a baseball bat or another blunt object just like Peter, Samir, and Michael do to a printer in the movie Office Space.
I'm gonna go all Office Space on my piece of shit laptop if it freezes one more time while I'm checking out porn!
by Homer Formby May 18, 2019
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Boxers that taste like existencial crisis.
"Yo dude, you got any space flavored boxers?"

"Yeah man, they're in my bag."
by Peter Tale V. March 26, 2017
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How you walk past Several empty parking spaces near the entrance after you had searched for a space and given up... parking far away from the entrance.
I was space ghosted at the mall 😱
by LadyLyles December 26, 2017
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When you pack a frog pillow for your vacation
That is a waste of space
you are a waste of space
kill yourself you waste of space
by Edgykod696969696969696969696 December 14, 2017
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a foul and oily individual who does nothing but exist and ruin every one's day, case in point, Micah Bell from Red Dead Redemption 2.
"Damn, I haven't gotten anything done today. Feeling a lot like a waste of space right now."

"So you feel like Micah Bell right now?"
by arthurs chin scar December 20, 2020
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