When someone is so off the rails, that they’ll shit on your side of the bed in an attempt to get revenge.
“Man, that girl Amber dropped a shit right on the bed.”
“Yeah bro, she is bed shit crazy!”
by meowverseer May 7, 2022
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A crazy man is a person in his life that get uderly rejected by girls and wishes to go out with one and never be able to because he's always thinks he's right
That crazy man I would not want to be a Crazy man because he gets uderly rejected
by That crazy man October 19, 2016
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1. a gal who has a lot of dead pencils in her backpack
2. cherlene
she is one crazy pencil lady
by compositionbook333 September 5, 2018
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When a man is standing up to pee and then feels an uncontrollable diarrhea shit enter the equation so he has to stop peeing, spin around, and sit on the toilet to unleash so he doesn't shit his pants and all over the floor.
Last night I got up to pee and at first didn't have to take a shit, but then mid-pee I felt a big crap ignoring the stop sign, so I pulled a Crazy Ivan just in time to avoid disaster.
by JABRU24 August 13, 2023
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An insane, idiotic, delinquent Asian gentleman
David: why did you punch that random Asian dude on the street? Seemed out of hand
Johnny: slow down David, he was a Crazy Bruce Lee
by handy hickster April 13, 2021
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when someone is wild or crazy.
"I'm taking crazy hair home before she gets too out of control."
by jane420 June 11, 2017
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