Those dreams you have when there’s a hot guy who likes you and they are great. You hate waking up from them because you want it to last forever and you want it to actually happen
I love hot guy dreams cause there’s hot guys in them.
by Sadie——- June 1, 2020
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“The Bisexual Dream” is what you call someone who is the epitome of what men, women, and people are attracted to collectively. It also can go by “The Pansexual Dream”, but “Bisexual” is the coined term.
Have you watched Downstage Dungeons? That whole cast really is The Bisexual Dream, damn.

I honestly think that Ryan Reynolds could change my whole sexuality, he’s seriously The Bisexual Dream.
by wondergirl031918 December 16, 2022
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An eccentric being that’s stuck in the screen. On your phone, in your head, in the galaxy above. To see or meet a DDG is in other words, peculiar & wondrous. Don’t let these beings slip between your fingers now, they’re magic. Ruby’s flow through their blood, stars expand their mind. They’re difficult beauties. Anyone and everyone can fall in love with them, but will they love you back? Digital Dream Girls, they’re your favorite song, you’re favorite planet, you’re favorite candy all in one. If you are to love a DDG, fall to your knees, have it so the love you give off is unconditional, because that’s what they are, what we are, what I am. An unconditional Digital Dream Girl, reigning throughout your favorite Milky Way to the song “Space Cadet” By, “The technicolors” Head to toe in diamonds, smelling highly of magnetic cannabis. Digital Dream Girls tend to be, scorpios/libras/Leo’s/cancers. So the girl behind the screen, she’s electric. She comes in waves, bigger than oceans and sounds. She comes in colors, beyond the rainbow and wheel. Eccentric remember? ✨🌱🌊 For the Digital Dream Girl who doesn’t love herself like she should.
“For she unlike others was a DDG (Digital Dream Girl), you could look but couldn’t touch. Like a movie star, but in real life.”

“She’s in the screen, the girl they wrote that song about”
by Vasi 🍧 June 17, 2018
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A dream in which Covid exists and you become aware of the risks. You may be in a crowd and suddenly think "...Wait... why is nobody wearing masks??? Why is nobody socially distancing????? Oh my god they're coughing too!!!!!!! I'm going to catch Covid oh my god!!!!!"
"I had another Covid Dream where I was on a cruise ship and there were like 500 people in one enclosed room, no masks, nobody distancing... and then I heard some of them coughing!!! And then I found there was no way out and I was stuck in this room where no Covid precautions were being taken!!!
by Lefty Power 123 June 24, 2021
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Wow I gotta get me some of that Zebra Dream.
by Nutsforcoconuts March 31, 2016
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The translated name for a studious, well-presented, crazy son-of-a-gun, chopstick lover that enJOYs a good ol' houdini.
"Have you seen dream grass today?"
"Dream grass is soooo cute"
"I just gave dream grass the best houdini of life"
by Alyfran April 18, 2009
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When you have a sexual thought or dream about some one and they some how know.
Girl: did I get "Dream-Seminated"?
Guy: what? Well...
Girl: I'm gassy and bloated all of a sudden for no reason.
Guy: I dreamt of you all night.
by RG2301 April 6, 2016
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