An annoying "movement" that dreamsexuals use to try getting support for their pitiful little "sexuality." If you see someone saying this unironically, they are "dreamsexual."
Annoying dreamsexual: I'm starting a movement; the Dream Lives Matter movement! I'm selling t-shirts on Amazon Prime to support it!

All of Twitter: im gonna amazon prime your face to the pavement if i ever meet you
by Tekiku March 31, 2022
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by djaks May 18, 2022
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When you blink or turn off a light and then you see a weird image that is usually scary but can be normal sometimes
Guy 1: Yo dude I just got a flash dream
Guy 2: oh I hate that! The last time I got one it was slender man!
Guy 1: oh I only got a flower this time
by E1$ie July 10, 2021
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A mixing of jazz and indie subgenre dream pop. "Bop" is often suffixed at the end of jazz subgenres eg: Hard bop.
Suede: "This Ephemerals album is like if Beach House made a buddhist jazz record about being a modern day transsexual. I guess you'd call it dream bop."
Finch: "Yeh, "Third Eye" is a fairly unusual album and the band broke up halfway through the European tour."
by olivemondegreen December 2, 2020
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A vignette or short impressionistic literary scene that focuses on immersing the reader in a utopian setting; features elements of meditation and deep breathing techniques; designed to reduce stress, induce serenity, and/or bring sleep to tired bodies previously overwhelmed by life's endless distractions.
Insomniac: I don't know Doc, I just can't fall asleep...
Doctor: Have you tried Dream Prompts? Read one before bed to calm down and let me know how you feel in the morning.
by Former Insomniac May 25, 2012
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someone who is named justin is 5'4 i think has blonde hair and is deaf
by Froegs February 8, 2021
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Lucid dreaming is when someone in a dream realises they are having a dream and can do anything they want in that dream if the believe so and can even experience the 4 senses other then seeing extremely vividly if they have the 5 senses in real life they just need to have the will power. ps: I am a master lucid dreamer and you should try lucid dreaming it is mesmerising.
Example 1. Random edgelord: *Is having a nightmare* Demon:About to kill the dude in his dreams. Random dude: *Does reality check and realises he is lucid dreaming* Demon: Bro why- *gets slapped into oblivion* Edgelord: *revives demon and kills him again*
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