The worst day of the entire year to be single. Companies and the people around you will make you feel like shit to the point of drinking yourself to sleep.
single person: Oh fuck it's Valentine's day! Better stay inside where it's safe from judgement.
by Dubiks February 10, 2019
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A day when everyone laughs at those in love and celebrate the greatness of lonelines...
And of course steal people's Valentine's Day Candy.
Celebrated on February 14 every year.
~steals candy from random people~
by Confuseded February 14, 2005
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The scam whereby Restaurants/Florists/Chocolatiers cash in on Valentine's Day by trebling the price of their products safe in the knowledge that the male suitor is effectively held to ransom with no other options open to them.
"You may as well wear a feckin mask, this is just a bloody Valentine's Day Massacre" screamed Tom to the restaurant manager whilst his paramour paid a trip to the toilet.
by chesterpest January 17, 2010
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The Friday before Valentine’s Day, or Valentine’s Day if it’s on a Friday. Goth Valentine’s Day is at its peak if it falls on Friday the 13th.
Happy Goth Valentine’s Day here’s some dead red roses”
by STABBHHGJFJCJ January 23, 2022
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An earthquake that occurs on Valentines Day due to many people having sex at one time. The earth's rotation is initially affected, then the earth's tectonic plates become destabilized. It is at this point that tremors ensue. Of note, areas that are known for people that "Pour the Coal" when having sex are most at risk for earthquakes of this nature.
Man, I was poring the coal and Valentines Day so hard that a 4.4 Valentine's Day Earthquake happened!
by Flightnursejim February 16, 2014
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(1) What you tell people when you forget to tell them happy Valentine’s Day

(2) That thing you tell people when you kinda like them but you aren’t really anything. So being their Valentine would be a little much
Belated Valentine’s Day: “Yeah she’s cool, I’m definitely crushin on her. I texted her happy belated Valentine’s Day because I forgot to text her yesterday”
by Sir guuuunels February 16, 2022
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