when you take one peruvian guardian and lay him butt naked on the ground dick facing towards the sun, and then take one peruvian slut 10 stories up in the air and have her jump off the tower butt naked trying to land her asshole completely on his penis. If she misses the dismount, the dick will snap in half due to the high velocity of the ass cheeks
Brazilian: Have you ever been to peru?
American: No but i want to because i wanna try the Peruvian Pecker Wrecker
by SebastianJanakowski March 8, 2021
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When you solve the mystery of finding the clit and are rewarded by performing the most volatile cunnilingus on the chunkiest coochie imaginable
Dude, dude I found it!

Found what?

The clit! When I found it she let me nom-nom on her Peruvian Scooby Snacks!
by OG Bemper June 15, 2023
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When one does anal with a male/female with an anus covered in fecal matter and before one ejaculates they leave the condom in the anus and

Ejaculate inside the ear
Damn, when I was a little kid my Dad used to always give me a Peruvian Creampie.
by HarryHarrington November 21, 2020
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When you place your butt cheeks against another person's face cheeks and push them upwards
Carl: Dude I can't believe you gave that girl a Peruvian Facelift last night
Ben: Yeah I mean she was into it until I had to rip ass
by chode_deep July 28, 2013
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The act of defecating in the bank drive thru suction tube canister and sending it to the teller before they send your lollipop over.
First national bank hates it when I make my deposit of the north Peruvian nickel stack, it’s technically street legal and a legitimate transaction.
by Slimmer Fredette February 19, 2022
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When a word is not found on urban dictionary it is known as a Peruvian Teabag.
i tried to .ud a word on discord but it turned out to be a Peruvian teabag.
by Notahobbit July 12, 2017
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-“Hey dude, you know who invented pisco?”
-“Of course! The Peruvians!”
by checaso December 21, 2018
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