A political, philosophic, social, and economic ideology derived from Karl Marx, a fat fuck that never worked in a factory, let alone saw a farm. Its ultimate goal is to establish a communist society: a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.

Despite "Accidentallying" every nation its been implemented in since its inception retards still think it can work. Nevermind the near 150 million deaths and counting that this ideology has caused. People just didn't do it right the last time.
Uni Student: "I need to lose some weight"
Uni Professor: "Have you tried communism?"
by Asian Contagion May 10, 2018
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True communism is a utopian socity (perfect society),based on Carle Marx philosaphys (Marxism). True communism only works in small isolated situations, and never lasts very long due to the human nature of greed. In a true communist state no one person would have more of anything than another, everything would be shared. A prime example of this is the hippie communes of the 1960's. But true communism was tested in the commune form by transcendentalists such as Ralph Waldo Emmerson, and Henry David Therou in the Transcendentalist Period in American literature (around the same time as the Romanticism Period) 1820-1860 aproximatly.

True Communism should not be confused with Socialism. Socialism is what the United States government wanted (wants) to rid the world of. A totalitarian state.
Those hippies have a great commune. They are true Marxists.

Socialism isn't communism.
by Ice Cold Anarchy January 19, 2006
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Communism is a collectivist Utilitarian socio-economic political philosophy. Authoritarian in nature, Communism seeks to abolish private property, social classes, racism, religion, and nationalism. Communist states establish a bureacratic command economy in which the means of production are owned and operated by the state. Thus the main responsibility of the Communist state is to allocate and redistribute resources and products so as to create a society in which all resources are distributed evenly throughout the populous.
The Soviet Union practiced an offshoot of Marxism that can be referred to as Authoritarian Communism.
by GaleryonTheMystic December 8, 2007
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The orgasim you experiance while having sexual relations with a communist.
Che gave me mad communisms last night
by clintewood January 25, 2009
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A state of government in which the feds tell you what you can and can't do, while they regulate and micromanage every single part of the economy, preventing any prosperity whatsoever. Many liberals support communism without even knowing it, and others try to give it another name such as "Progressivism". Throughout history communism, and Socialism have failed dramatically. Those who suggest that government needs to be part of every aspect of our lives (Liberals) do not realize how dangerous that really is.
Why do immigrants from all over the world come to America and not to Russia or Cuba?

Because even though Capitalism isn't perfect it has proven to be the most prosperous state in the world. Anyone who favors communism should go pay Cuba a visit and see exactly how life in a communist country really is, and why there are thousands of Cubans every year who risk their lives to come to America.
by Papichulo645 February 3, 2013
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A really really incredibly amazingly fantastically stupid idea. only good for the rulers of the communist state. look where it got russia and cuba.
Person One: Communism is stupid
Person Two: Damn straight
Person Three: Well i think communism is great idea! All the equality to show how we rea-
Person on to Person Two: Thanks for shanking that mother fucker. I can only stand so much bullshit in one day.
by catspajamas [ecb] June 17, 2008
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Communism is a form of governmant based on socialist principles. Karl Marx and his associate created the economic system of socialism in which wealth would be redistributed. It was Lenin and Stalin who adapted socialism into the goverment. The motto, more or less, of Communism is "Each gives according to his talents and recieves according to his needs." Until now there has not been a truly communist society, partly because the founders have been power-hungry and in part because humanity has, on the whole, not yet reached a socially acceptable level.
Communism is the ideal social existance. Once achieved, humanity will be fre from the tyranny of currency and work in order to ensure growth, prosperity and future survival.
by X-45B23 July 14, 2006
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