10 definitions by X-45B23

A German politician and leader of Austrian descent. His promises to bring the German people out of the depression that had gripped much of the world suceeded in getting him elected to the German parlaiment. His reforms brought Germany out of the depression and industrial output rose beyond pre-depression values. Hitler's fanatical views on race and governmental actions eventually led to the invasion of Austria and Poland. Later, the German invasion of France triggered the second World War. In his quest to make the Aryans the supreme rulers of Europe over 30 million people died including over 6 million Jews, Gypsies, and other "degenerate races." As the Allies entered Berlin Hitler and his aide poisoned their families and commited suicide.
I wish you would be more open-minded, you are starting to act like Adolf Hitler.
by X-45B23 July 14, 2006
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One of the most flawed films ever created by the likes of an incompetent man. Star wars is not a science fictions show because of all the technical inacuracies and the utter lack of detail and imposibility of its existance. Furthermore, its central theme, aside from the obviouse story line, is that the life of one individual, more or less born to a "noble" family, is worth any price, even the lives of billions.
The epic story of Star Wars is one that blatently points out Lucas' view on society. The life of one man, Skywalker, is worth the murder of billions of people and the destruction of entire planets. Furthermore, he is redeemed, completely, by thesaving of his son.
by X-45B23 July 15, 2006
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A television show originally spawned by Gene Roddenberry. It Is the greatest science fiction show ever produced. It, unlike nearly every other science fiction show or movie, relies on a cerebral approach to solve a poblem rather than a gun, something that is very twoubling in today's science fiction. Star Wars posesses a James Bond sort of quality of shoot, shoot again, shoot some more, blow up something, kill billions of people only to be redeemed by saving one.
It is a great travesty that after the murder of billions, Vader was redeemed by saving the life of one, his son, who also killed billions all in the name of an equally imperialistic cause. Star Trek would never allow that.
by X-45B23 July 15, 2006
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An immense collection of very light elements. A star is over 95% hydrogen with trace amounts of helium, oxygen, carbon, and other heavy elements. The star derives its energy from a thermonuclear reaction initieted by the pressure created by the gravitational pull of the gasses inward. A star will burn for millions if not billions of years before the hydrogen supply is depleted and the star's nuclear fusion reaction fails. The star will then explode and remove an outer layer of gasses and then collapse into a dense state. Average stars collapse into Dwarf Stars while massive ones form neutro stars of black holes.
Stars are not made of methane!!!!!!!
by X-45B23 July 15, 2006
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Fusion is the binding of two or more things, tangible or intangible, into something new that posesses properties of both. In physics it is the binding of two or more elements of the same or different kind to creat a new one. Fusing 2 hydrogen atoms results in the creation of a helium atom.
Nuclear fusion could solve world energy problems.
by X-45B23 July 15, 2006
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An ancient country in the Balkan region inhabited mainly by the Slavic people. A number of times during its history, Bulgaria dominated the Balkans. The two Bulgarian empires dominated a large amount of land including much of Greece. The first Bulgarian Empire took the city of Constantinople twice, however the generals were bribed and the city was never oficially conquered. The first Bulgarian Empire collapsed after it was weakened by the Mongols and the second because of the Ottoman invasion. Bulgaria secured its independence during the late 19th century after they defeated the armies of the weakend Ottoman Empire. Bulgaria has alot of culture and history. It was two Bulgarian monks, Qiril and his brother, that ceated the cyrillic alphabet. The same alphabet that was later adopted by Russia. Because of centuries of Ottoman rule the spirit of the Bulgarian people is not a strong as it was. It will take time to recover the former strength of the Bulgarian people.
The first Bulgarian Empire could have ruled Europe, was it not for the bribery of the Byzantine politicians.
by X-45B23 July 14, 2006
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A utopia is the ideal state of society in which every human need is adressed. The is no social or physical deprivity and humanity is free to grow and flourish at its leisure. There is no opression, war, poverty, famine, or social distress or racism. Although it is higly unlikely that humanity will reach a true utopia it is possible to better living conditions to be close to one.
It would be entierly possible to achieve a social state close to that of a utopia by the complete mechanization of labor and production. If all goods and services are produced by robots, humanity will be free from the maintenece of infrastructure and thus be able to rid itsself from all of the things mentioned above, something remenicient of the book Utopia by Issac Asimov
by X-45B23 July 14, 2006
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