A circa 2022 term coined by a 251lb man from California. Often characterized by a man who drives a lifted gas pickup truck sometimes with a flame paint job with skulls and owns 2 dirt bikes or Harleys. Often has tattoos to match sometimes the classic s tattoo. Often heard around town blasting any form of nu metal such as Nickelback slipknot Korn or limp Bizkit. The stereotypical angry white boy often watches monster garage or American chopper or any show on spike tv. The names can be kyle Tyler nash or Justin.
guy 1 Kyle was in the neighborhood last night have you seen his truck he was blasting limp Bizkit last night.
Guy 2 yeah he sounds like the mid 2000s tough guy type.
by rayjay91 December 9, 2022
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The lesser known, and of course... less successful Trump campaign. He...
1) Ran for the Reform Party nomination,
2) Announced his candidacy on th 19th day of October 1999,
3) Dropped out after getting no delegates in CA.
Some person: 2016 is the first time Trump has been involved in politics.
Me: No, read up about the Trump Presidential Campaign, 2000!
by Itz Rob December 24, 2016
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Like 90s kids, they actually know what a VHS is, and grew up with kids shows of the 90s and 2000s. Generally born between 1997 and 2002.
90s kids are all hipster nutcases, but at least early 2000's kids know what life was like before all these shite modern TV kid shows and why Nokia's are unbreakable.
by tubendo September 22, 2015
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The act of taking a huge soupy poopy wet shit in the toilet, and it resembles 2000 melted aero bars (chocolate bars)
I had to go so bad, and with my crohns disease, it looked like 2000 melted aero bars in the airplane toilet
by daman199999 April 9, 2014
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If you were born in 1997-2006 you're a 2010s kid.
2007-2009 are 2000s babies
2000s kids are the last generation of good people.
He plays Fortnite, supports Lil Pump and uses Tik Tok. He's not a 2000s kid
by Mikeius January 2, 2020
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The best generation of people ever best generation people ever.
Did you see him he is so cool i bet he is an early 2000's kid.
Early 2000's kids are the coolest and that's a fact.
by lisaluvsk February 4, 2015
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a nickname for our decade
American culture likes to divide itself into decades: the prosperous fifties, the rebellious sixties, the egoistic seventies, the greedy the eighties, the booming ninetees… Finally, the dooming
by Mikhail Epstein October 8, 2003
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