When a person gives a rimjob while that person is asleep, and when they get up, the person administering said rimjob would say: "you're finally awake".
Bob: Nancy gave me a skyrim job last night. I almost proposed.

Dan: Do it now, dude.
by Austin Powerz May 16, 2020
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the act of licking one's finger and rubbing it along the edge of the cartilage of someone's ear. cooler than a wet willie.
I gave that bitch a skyrim job!
by Back Door Sloot April 30, 2012
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The act of having a girl put her legs behind her head like a normal rim job, then lifting her in the air above you and eating out her ass.
She lost her fear of heights after I gave her a good skyrim job.
by Kewl Munky March 3, 2012
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1: Not an actual job in Skyrim
2: The act of hanging ones ass of the bed to have it eaten.
"Man she hung her ass of the bed..it was just floating there...so I had to give her a Skyrim job"
by Captainfabulouscockandballs December 3, 2013
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A skyrim-horse is a horse found in the game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

As a consequence of its strange physics, it is verry good at climbing mountians and other elevated terrain.

(latin) "Climbus horseus"
Person1: Wow this mountian is pretty hard to climb.
Person2: Yeah i could realy use a "Skyrim horse"
by Skyrim connoisseur August 7, 2019
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"Skyrim Horses" or "Skyrimus horseus" (latin) are commonly found in the Elder scrolls game "Skyrim".

Because of the horses marvelous capability of ascending mountian they have also been given the nickname "mountian climbers".
I need to get up that mountian, wait let me get my "skyrim horse" so that i can ascend it.
by Skyrim connoisseur July 21, 2019
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