A rea sexy son of a gun. He struts the halls knowing he's the best. Whenever you see a Kyle you just want to stuff them all up inside of you. You want every inch of them you can get. Kyles are the envy of the world.
Triston: Hey, did you see that Kyle over there?
Brian: Yeah, I get my weed from him. He's the best.

Triston: I just wanna mooch him.
by Kyle the dawg November 10, 2017
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The most amazing, gorgeous, amazing boy in the world. Seriously, he's cute, funny, adorable strong, smart and beautiful; the most wonderful boy you'll ever. You'll find yourself falling in love with him fast.
x3 iloveyoukyle.
"Nuwayman.He's more than a 10! He's a KYLE!"
by eric (: June 13, 2008
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A Kyle is an Australian person who likes to punch babies. Kyles are the gender purple and they're fun police and kangaroos that don't know how to speak proper American. Also, Kyles are really really awesome and good friends.
"What's wrong with you"
"I'm a Kyle."
"That explains it."
by NuclearGears January 6, 2012
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A kyle is a kind and trust worthy friend that will always be there for you. he Is scared of heights, rodents and bugs. But his real only weakness is with the laddies he is not the type to get along with the girls but how ever there are some girls that he gets on with smoothly he also likes to play a lot of computer games
Kyle is always thinking that the girls who he talks to or looks at or makes eye contact with are going to think he likes them but he doesn't like them😂
by John buck murdo morrison April 25, 2019
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Noun.-One of the best guys on the face of the earth. Extremely smart, yet athletic, talented, and downright sexy. Is good at football, and will definatly marry a hot girl.
by Ying-Chong February 8, 2008
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The most amazing boy you'll ever meet, he'll steal your heart in an instant. He's funny, cute, and always knows what to say when you're upset. His hugs are warm and make you feel safe, and his eyes look like they hold the entire universe. If he's in band he's usually a woodwind or a percussionist. If a Kyle comes into your life, keep him. Also very good at crane games and mains the Ice Climbers.
"I can't wait to see Kyle again today..."
by Ghostie Chaan January 28, 2019
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