When lighting up a blunt someone calls seconds on hittin the blunt.
Tom rolled the joint so he gets to hit it first then bob says duece! Steve replies that was a “ruthless duece call!!!”
by Fuzz988 November 6, 2020
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18 inch rims not as large as twenties yet sufficient in style
Shite that sonoma is rollin on some dub minus deuces too bad he couldnt fit twenties
by Dr. Victor M December 16, 2002
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After you give a girl a clevland steemer, she grabs grabs da deuce and chucks it at you,but by that time all she hits is the door.
After I gave that Biatch a clevland steemer, she went crazy and started chucking da duece.
by chuckaduck May 28, 2005
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any 22oz bottle of beer or brew
"yo,lets go grip up some double duece juice man.Im thirsty as a mother fucker."
by steven jamesaka wonder March 6, 2008
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22 ouncer, a.k.a. duece duece or double duece,the juice being the beer inside the bottle.
c'mon man lets go hit up the corner store and grip up some double duece juice.
by steven jamesaka wonder March 4, 2008
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Put simply, a fat chick who thinks she's hot as hell and therefore is stuck up and arrogant. Usually they can be found in groups of 3 or more which is refered to as a herd, wandering a shopping venue or a party and without a doubt not more than 10 feet from food.
Bob (approaching the herd): Excuse me, do you know what time it is?

Duece Chin Diva: EXCUSE ME!?!? Uh My Gawd, Like really? I'm so over it, like..like let's go to the beach...

Bob: Ya go to the beach Duece Chin Diva and get your chins some sun, fuckin' whale!!
by fmanjay February 14, 2011
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Man, drop me off at my house right quick.
Because I gotta chunk up a duece so bad my breath smells like shit.
by yer mother May 1, 2007
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