A false belief with false promises.

Indulge in the pleasures of the flesh, do not cling to your petty promises of purity and honour, for they do not exist.

This is a belief that human beings shouldn't drink, do drugs or have casual sex. These three things will always exist; you're fighting a losing battle, Straight Edges.

Twist your edge.
The Straight Edge didn't have any fun, he was too cool for it. He was too cool to go out for a drink with his friends, too cool to know what if you're not a complete dick you can enjoy drugs and alchohol without any EXTREMELY derogatory backlash.
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Big fat pussys that like to be jackasses and go around and but up the peaceful little stoners and drunks
by John cockery September 25, 2005
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person who is against any substance that gets in the way or seperates them from what they love.
the ramones use to do drugs, but went straight-edge because drug use was tearing the band apart.
by josh December 22, 2003
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a) someone who doesn't drink, smoke, do drugs, swear, or have sex.
b) someone who doesn't get into trouble
Brandy is such a straight edge now; she never goes out and partys anymore.
by Krista Exner January 17, 2008
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Straight Edge means Not doing drugs, Not drinking, Not having casual sex unless in a relationship.

Kids in local music scenes seem to think that they are cool by labeling themselves as Straight Edge, most of them dont know what the fuck there talking about and run all over the place (like thoughs in a gay parade) letting everyone know how cool and Straight Edge they are. These are the kids that need to grow up. You can not drink and not do drugs without having some retarded label. Its simply just another dumb fad that the "scene" kids think is cool.

The people who are really straight edge are people over the age of 19 who dont feel that drugs, drinking and casual sex are a very healthy life choice, these are usually respectable people who do not tattoo "XXX" on themselves or swing there arms and legs in some "dance pit" at a local show to show how HARDCORE and STRAIGHT EDGE they are.

Real straight edgers also dont force there views on people and yell straight edge everytime they see someone with a beer or a joint in there hand.

They also wont call themselves straight edge, they just are they dont need to parade.
band member-"After the show tonight stick around and get drunk"

stupid scene kid-"FUCKING STRAIGHT EDGE!"

drunk fan-"Who the fuck are you? Im gunna kick your ass you stupid scene kid, nobody cares that you dont drink!"

other crowd members- "BITCH!" "THAT KIDS A BITCH"

stupid scene kid- "I dont care what anybody thinks! IM gunna STAY GOLD"
by Jordan, Klondale May 28, 2008
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The way a bunch of punks-gone-hippy justify their lives by denying themselves the things that make them happy.
someone who does drugs to the point that they become stupified, and THEN give them up and say it's a lifestyle choice.
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being a pussy and scared to do anything that will put them in another state of mind. i.e : drugs, sex, alcohal, cigs........the list goes on......
straight edge kid: man put that yay away i dont want to be around it
druggy:man stfu straight edge bitch whos to scared to do anything, man fuck off
by compton ass sean June 5, 2007
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