Cadets usually aged 12-18, some up to the age of 21 can join the Civil Air Patrol and choose from a wide variety of activities. A very rewarding, yet draws negative attention by some idiots.

There are three kinds of cadets;
1.) Those who actually sit and learn about the values of leadership and aerospace power. These cadets usually end up earning prestigious awards and will become military and business leaders of the next generation.
2.) Those who kind of just do nothing and have no idea why they're there. These cadets quit after the first 1-2 years.
3.) Those idiots who buy tactical gear and Kevlar with their parents money, dressing themselves up like an Air Force Pararescueman or an Army Green Beret and act hardcore when they've probably never even shot anything more powerful than a BB gun. Cocky, yet extremely insecure. See also: poser
Take off that tactical gear dumbass, you're not in the military, just a Civil Air Patrol Cadet.
by 2dLT July 19, 2011
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The dumbest thing known to mankind
Person 1: Poland Always invades Ukraine in AoC2! Person 2: Yea the Age of Civilizations II AI is dumb.
by eelel_ July 14, 2022
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What folks in the Hollar call World War I
WW 2 is known, obviously, as International Civil War III
Cousin Coon Head was a sniper in the army during International Civil War II.
by Gooberfaust July 7, 2006
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When Two Gay or Lesbian People get Married in a Recoginized State or Country or Proviance
by Danny P October 31, 2003
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To those who think the civil war was over slavery, there were slaves in the united states nearly a hundred years before the civil war (and long before the US was a country on American land), yet no president lifted a finger to help them (many of the earliest presidents were slaveowners, of course they weren't lifting fingers to help). Lincoln issued the emancipation of slaves entirely for political/PR reasons, to gain public support for his cause (reunification of the country) from as many people as he could in the North and South. The North wanted to regain control of resources south of the Mason Dixon, which proved problematic with the Southern States seceded. A lot led up to the Civil War.
The American Civil War wasn't fought over slaves, as good as it would sound to hear about the North saving the slaves from Southern tyranny. A kid's history book nearly makes Lincoln a saint.
by Solid Mantis July 26, 2019
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The best Marvel movie ever created starring : Steve Rogers (Capt 'Merica), Tony Stank (Iron Man), Black Panther (Best Superhero besides Cap), and a bunch of other heroes no one remembers
That move, Captain America : Civil War, was the best movie of all time, I ate a whole bucket of popcorn.
by FaZe Brad #360noscope May 16, 2016
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